We are a community of technology enthusiasts who have come together to share our resources, knowledge, interests. We are located at 298 Northampton St, Buffalo NY 14208 inside The Foundry.

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We are part of a growing worldwide body of hacker and maker spaces. A makerspace/hackerspace is a combination of a community workshop and a social/educational venue. It allows people to pursue technical hobbies that they wouldn't have the resources to do otherwise. It gives people a place to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and use expensive tools and equipment they would not otherwise have access to.

You can come and share experiences and and stories in our comfortable lounge or rest up in our relaxing quiet room. Collaborate on projects in our large workshop, where a helping hand and knowledgeable friend is always nearby. Learn and share with others in our presentation room. Our members interests cover a large range of topics including Robotics, Electronics, Machinery, Art, Programming, Security, Wireless, Publishing, Communications, Chemicals, Metallurgy, Painting and oh-so much more. We welcome you to bring your talents great and small into the mix!

We have open meetings twice a month with plenty of opportunities for networking, sharing, and learning. Our contributing members, for less than the cost of coffee, enjoy 24/7 access to all areas of the space.

By creating a place to play, socialize, and develop our own culture, we are also hope to encourage highly skilled people to stay and even migrate to Buffalo. In turn we will create our own opportunities, resulting in more jobs, more business and more resilience within Buffalo technology sector.